Monday, October 3, 2016

Tips for Page Speed Optimization

If you run or operate a website, you ought to know that performance and page speed is crucial to the experience of the user. Slow pages do not attract or retain visitors. Moreover, if you did not already know, website speed is now a factor on search engines such as Google when performing page rankings. What this means is that you should pay particular attention to page speed optimization. There are a number of ways through which you can perform page speed optimization. Still, you may opt to hire a firm that offers website speed optimization service.

The first page speed optimization tip involves the use of CCS or external JS files. This helps increase the rendering time of your web pages. The benefit of having everything defined in the main CCS file is that it lets your browser perform less work when rendering pages as it is already aware of the rules it needs to apply. Moreover, making use of external CCS and JavaScript files will make it easier for you to maintain your site. This is because you will only be required to maintain global files as opposed to codes that are scattered in numerous pages.

The second page speed optimization tip is to make use of caching systems. Putting in place a cache system means that your website will not have to keep creating content each time there is a new visitor. You can also perform page speed optimization by not resizing images in HTML. If you have large images that you would like to resize, it is best that you make use of an image editor for instance Photoshop. The reason for this is that large images will still be big in file size than smaller images even after they have been resized.

Tip number four on page speed optimization is to not use images for purposes of displaying text. You may not know this but text in images becomes inaccessible to the screen reader. As such, it is entirely useless for search engine optimization. Moreover, using images for purposes of displaying text greatly increases the time it takes for your web page to load. The reason behind this is that too many images make the page heavier thus slow to load. Effective page speed optimization also mandates that you optimize the way in which you write your codes. Instead of using tags, you may use CCS. The benefit of writing code well is that it greatly reduces the file sizes of not only your CCS but also your HTML documents. Moreover, it makes maintenance work easier.

You can also perform page speed optimization by loading JavaScript at the end of your documents rather than at the beginning. Doing so makes it possible for browsers to render everything well before they get started with the JavaScript. The thing with JavaScript is that it prevents anything that comes after it from fully rendering until the downloading process is complete. Therefore, putting it at the end makes the web page more responsive and allows it to load much faster.


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